Phoebe Thomasson: Embracing Chaos Through Art and Subconscious Expression


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Phoebe Thomasson, born in 1972 in Portsmouth, UK, has developed a unique artistic approach she calls ‘Differentism.’ This method reflects her deep exploration of the subconscious and the inherent contradictions within. Through a distinct lexicon of mark-making and a vibrant palette of colors, Thomasson delves into the complexities of human existence, particularly focusing on the dualistic nature of life. Her art is a dialogue between the conscious and subconscious, exploring the chaos that defines our inner and outer worlds.

Thomasson’s journey as an artist is deeply intertwined with her personal experiences, particularly her struggles with mental illness. These experiences have shaped her work, giving it an instinctual depth that resonates on a profoundly emotional level. Her art is a reflection of her life’s journey, marked by love, loss, and conflict, serving as a testament to her resilience and determination to find meaning amidst chaos.

One of Thomasson’s works, Road to Suncat City, exemplifies her approach to art. This oil painting, measuring 100 x 70 cm, is a vibrant expression of light and color, capturing an ethereal landscape that seems to transcend the boundaries of reality. The piece was created by following the natural light as it moved across the canvas, a process that Thomasson describes as spontaneous and unplanned. This method reflects her belief in allowing the moment to guide her creative process, resulting in works that are both organic and deeply personal.

Road to Suncat City is more than just a painting; it’s an exploration of the relationship between light and shadow, presence and absence. The way Thomasson uses color to create depth and texture invites viewers to immerse themselves in the landscape, to feel the warmth of the sunlight and the coolness of the shadows. It’s a journey into a world that is both familiar and otherworldly, a place where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur.

Thomasson’s artistic practice is rooted in her belief in the power of spontaneity and the importance of being present in the moment. She doesn’t plan her compositions in advance; instead, she allows her environment and her instincts to guide her. This approach results in works that are dynamic and fluid, constantly evolving as she works on them. It’s a process that mirrors the chaos of life itself, where nothing is certain, and everything is in a state of flux.

In her exploration of the dualistic aspects of existence, Thomasson often grapples with the tension between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, representing logic and emotion, order and chaos. This struggle is evident in her work, where contrasting elements coexist in a delicate balance. Her use of color, in particular, reflects this tension, with vibrant hues juxtaposed against darker, more subdued tones, creating a visual representation of the conflicts that define our lives.

Thomasson’s work is a reminder of the complexity of the human experience. It’s a reflection of her own struggles and triumphs, showing the power of art to express the ineffable. Through her art, she invites viewers to confront their own contradictions and to find beauty in the chaos that defines us all.

In Road to Suncat City and her broader body of work, Phoebe Thomasson continues to explore what art can be. Her unique approach to mark-making and color, combined with her deep understanding of the human condition, results in works that are visually compelling and emotionally resonant. Her art is a journey into the depths of the subconscious, a celebration of the chaos that makes us human, and an invitation to embrace the uncertainty that lies at the heart of existence.


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