Who is Mona Lisa


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When it comes to renowned artworks, there exists a concise catalog of the most universally recognized paintings. Can you recall any noteworthy, invaluable pieces? Perhaps something crafted by Van Gogh or one of Picasso’s masterpieces?

Chances are, one of the initial paintings that may have crossed your mind is the Mona Lisa, also known as La Gioconda or La Joconde. This iconic half-length portrait of a woman is the creation of the celebrated Italian artist, Leonardo da Vinci.

Art connoisseurs assert that the Mona Lisa holds the distinction of being the most widely recognized, frequently visited, and overall most renowned piece of art worldwide. Da Vinci painted this masterpiece between 1503 and 1506, utilizing oil on a poplar panel.

Originally acquired by King Francis I of France, the Mona Lisa is now the property of the French nation and resides in permanent exhibition at the Louvre museum in Paris. Millions of visitors flock to Paris each year to catch a glimpse of the enigmatic smile adorning Mona Lisa’s lips.

But who was the inspiration behind the Mona Lisa? The subject of the painting is believed to be Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a prosperous silk merchant from Florence named Francesco del Giocondo. Historians posit that Francesco commissioned the painting for their new home to commemorate the birth of their second son, Andrea.

The English title “Mona Lisa” is derived from the subject’s name and the Italian word “mona” (a contraction of the phrase ma donna), which translates to “my lady.” The Italian (La Gioconda) and French (La Joconde) names of the painting are linked to the Italian term “jocund,” signifying happy or jovial. This is also a play on the last name of Lisa’s husband, Francesco del Giocondo.

In 1911, the Mona Lisa faced theft by Vincenzo Peruggia, an employee of the Louvre. Peruggia, an Italian patriot, believed the painting should be repatriated to Italy for display. He concealed the artwork in his apartment for two years before being apprehended while attempting to sell it to a gallery in Florence.

During the late 1950s, the Mona Lisa became the target of multiple vandalism attempts, resulting in some damage. However, modern technology has since safeguarded the painting behind bulletproof glass in a controlled climate environment.

In terms of value, the Mona Lisa is often deemed priceless by art enthusiasts. If a monetary figure were to be assigned, some experts estimate that an auction for the painting could reach a staggering price of over $700 million.


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