Unveiling the Dual Realities: Laura Decorum’s Artistic Odyssey


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In the heart of Nottingham, England, resides Laura Decorum, a British-born, dual-heritage artist with an unbridled passion for surrealism, street art, and visual storytelling. Her multidisciplinary approach to art has garnered attention, as she fearlessly delves into social justice topics, weaving dual meanings into her creations that challenge and captivate her audience.

One such work that stands tall in her portfolio is ‘Roar Britannia,’ a 2022 acrylic on board-lacquered creation, framed at an impressive 8ft by 4ft.”

As Laura recounts the inspiration behind ‘Roar Britannia,’ one is immediately transported to the tumultuous events of that time. The tragic passing of George Floyd, the ongoing pandemic, the Black Lives Matter protests, and the distressing instances of racism faced by Marcus Rashford and the England football team all served as the backdrop for this monumental work. With a spartan yet profound approach, Laura explains that her piece is a “tongue-in-cheek nod to colonialism in the UK.”

The title, ‘Roar Britannia,’ echoes with defiance and challenges the viewer to confront the harsh realities that defined the sociopolitical climate. In this piece, Laura skillfully incorporates iconography and references to the countries colonized by the UK, manifesting them in a crest adorned with the emblematic three lions. This symbolism not only pays homage to the England football team but also serves as a powerful reminder that the United Kingdom owes its identity and strength to its diverse roots.

The choice of medium, acrylic on board lacquered, adds depth and permanence to the narrative. The frame, measuring 8ft by 4ft, commands attention and invites the audience to immerse themselves in the intricate details that unfold upon closer inspection. Laura’s use of visual storytelling becomes apparent as she navigates the delicate balance between aesthetic appeal and the underlying social commentary embedded within the artwork.

What makes Laura Decorum’s work truly distinctive is her ability to infuse dual meanings into her pieces, challenging the audience to unravel the layers of her narrative. ‘Roar Britannia’ is a prime example of this duality, as it simultaneously serves as a celebration of diversity and a critique of the historical legacies of colonialism.

The tongue-in-cheek nature of the piece invites viewers to reconsider their preconceptions about nationalism and identity. By incorporating symbols and references from colonized countries, Laura challenges the conventional narratives surrounding British pride and prompts a reflection on the interconnectedness of the world.

Living in Nottingham, Laura draws inspiration from the dynamic energy of the city, channeling it into her work that echoes the pulse of contemporary society. Her work often breaks free from the confines of gallery spaces to engage with the public directly. Her pieces become a conversation starter, a catalyst for dialogue on the pressing issues of our time.



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