Billionaires, with their vast wealth and diverse tastes, often have an eclectic range of art collections that span various periods, styles, and mediums. The art they choose to collect...
Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Salvator Mundi,’ a masterpiece that has captivated the art world for centuries, took a remarkable journey from obscurity to the limelight in the mid-2000s. The story...
In 2023, Christie’s navigated a complex landscape, experiencing a dichotomy in its performance. The challenges posed by a demanding macro-environment and a contraction in...
In the realm of art, success is often defined by recognition, accolades, and financial prosperity. However, nestled in the shadows of conventional triumphs is...
In the realm of creativity, Vera Deans stands as a testament to the boundless possibilities that art offers. A qualified fashion designer, mixed media...