Billionaires, with their vast wealth and diverse tastes, often have an eclectic range of art collections that span various periods, styles, and mediums. The art they choose to collect...
Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Salvator Mundi,’ a masterpiece that has captivated the art world for centuries, took a remarkable journey from obscurity to the limelight in the mid-2000s. The story...
Eliora Bousquet, a French-listed professional abstract painter and illustrator, embarks on a journey through color, emotion, and the boundless realm of abstract art. Born...
Originally hailing from Eastern Europe, Boré Ivanoff has made Paris his home since 2001. A self-taught artist, Ivanoff's journey in the art world has...
Frank Gasbarro is not your typical painter. His work delves into the realm of abstraction, where familiar shapes and colors collide with the unknown,...
Meet Haeley Kyong, a creator whose work transcends boundaries and speaks directly to the soul. With a deep-rooted belief in the transformative power of...