Billionaires, with their vast wealth and diverse tastes, often have an eclectic range of art collections that span various periods, styles, and mediums. The art they choose to collect...
Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Salvator Mundi,’ a masterpiece that has captivated the art world for centuries, took a remarkable journey from obscurity to the limelight in the mid-2000s. The story...
Karma Barnes, hailing from Tāmaki Makaurau, New Zealand, and currently residing on Bundjalung Country, Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia is a multifaceted artist....
Kerstin Roolfs, a German-American artist, has carved her art career by delving into themes as diverse as portraiture, sports, history, and politics. Her journey...
Throughout art history, the flower has consistently captivated and inspired artists, serving as a subject matter that transcends time and culture. From ancient civilizations...