Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Salvator Mundi,’ a masterpiece that has captivated the art world for centuries, took a remarkable journey from obscurity to the limelight in the mid-2000s. The story...
“The Kiss,” painted by Gustav Klimt between 1907 and 1908, is one of the most celebrated works of art from the Viennese Secession movement. The painting is renowned for...
Sotheby’s recent online auction of pieces from Keith Haring’s personal collection, including works by the artist himself, underscored his enduring popularity. Titled “Dear Keith,”...
Yesterday, SpaceX launched Jeff Koons’s “Moon Phases” (2024), a series comprising 125 miniature moon sculptures, on a journey to the moon. Traveling aboard a...
Gerhard Petzl, a multi-disciplinary artist born in 1973 in Graz, Austria, has spent over three decades exploring the intricate interplay of shape, color, and...
Estanoa Pagnie is an artist who delves deep into the human psyche and the complexities of life through her intricate and thought-provoking artworks. Her...