Art Culture

Our Poisonous Entitlement Society

Forgive me, for I have sinned. I've grown up cherishing the ideals of the American Dream of hard work and self-reliance. I thought if...

An Artist’s Window on Tradition: Who is Exploiting Whom?

As a figurative sculptor I've spent much of my life turning over the questions of exploitation in viewing the body. As a male...

Thriller of the Montana Dolmens

It's a breathtaking arrangement of stones to find deep in the woods (a hunter reported this find!)  At 28 feet tall, Tizer Dolmen is isolated from...

Gun Tradition is SO Shut!

A couple nights ago I was awakened by an argument outside my open window. It was my neighbor shouting at some guy in...

One Thanksgiving in Two Worlds Provides Me a Lesson in Love

My family had another lovely Thanksgiving, seated around a table that's deeply rooted in our beloved traditions of long and loving relationships. My...

An Artist’s Window on Tradition: Dwelling an Original Lifestyles

I was asked recently to address an online group called Design Your Life, about living an authentic life in times when the culture...