Art Culture

We All Have a Fever

Like you, I was horrified by the killing of an unarmed, handcuffed, docile black man at the hands of brutal police last week...

GOP Conference 2020, through the Montana Logging and Ballet Co.

Is it true the Montana Logging and Ballet Co. had a role in designing the GOP 2020 Convention? Here is clear evidence. That...

Trump as a Nationwide Symptom

When the news program 60 Minutes aired an interview with Trump that he walked out of, it made me wonder how I would...

Why No longer "F*ck the Well mannered"?

I've watched in trepidation as our sense of shared public decency has tanked over the years. From what was once proper behavior we've...

An Artist’s Window on Tradition: Harmony by way of Fury: Best Medication for Therapeutic

Our nation has taken a great fall. Yes, the US has always been imperfect but this moment is new. We had our chance...

Do We In reality Acknowledge Intelligence?

 It never ceases to amaze me that the more we discover about intelligence it's always in the same direction: it's deeper and more complex...