In the face of adversity, some individuals find solace and strength in unexpected places. Walter Fernandes, an artist who rediscovered his love for art...
Amid the tranquil landscapes of Bakhmaro, Georgia, photographer Stephan Zirwes captures the essence of serenity. The "Bakhmaro Huts" series, originating in the spring of...
Miriam Innes, born in 1979 in Ireland and currently residing in Queensland, Australia, stands as a visual artist known for her charcoal drawings and...
Arben Brahimaj, born on December 29, 1966, in the picturesque city of Vlora, Albania, is a fascinating artist who seamlessly blends his dual citizenship...
Andreas von Huene stands as a great craftsman, infusing his creations with a vitality that captivates audiences on multiple levels. His work spans the...