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兒童藝術課程 透過有趣且引人入勝的藝術課程來釋放孩子的創造力,該課程旨在探索各種藝術風格和技巧。這個為期 7 週的課程向孩子們介紹著名的藝術運動和藝術家,同時教導他們基本的繪畫技巧。每週都會專注於一個新主題,從立體派到印象派,讓學生嘗試不同的風格並創作自己的藝術作品。這些課程非常適合渴望學習和享受樂趣的孩子,將激發創造力,同時幫助他們在支持性的教育環境中規劃和探索新技術, 由以前與兒童博物館合作的導師授課。 課程結束時,前 10 名學生的作品將在 上展示,為他們提供向更廣泛的受眾展示才華的特殊機會。 第一週:基本形狀簡介 - 第 1 課:介紹不同的基本形狀 - 第 2 課:使用畢卡索立體主義風格的基本形狀繪製簡單的物體 第 2 週:線條和圖案 - 第 3 課:理解受喬治修拉的點畫法啟發的不同類型的線條 - 第 4 課:在類似梵谷印象派風格的繪畫中創造圖案和紋理 第 3 週:陰影和光照 -...

A Creative Class for Kids: Learn the Styles of Art Masters

Unlock your child's creativity with a fun and engaging art class designed to explore various artistic styles and techniques. This 7-week course introduces kids...

How Leonardo da Vinci’s Lost ‘Salvator Mundi’ Sold for $80 Million

Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Salvator Mundi,’ a masterpiece that has captivated the art world for centuries, took a remarkable journey from obscurity to the limelight...

Caroline Kampfraath: Stories Through Sculptures

Caroline Kampfraath is a Dutch artist known for her 3D art, a blend of different materials used to narrate her personal experiences and observations...

Reclaiming Color: Ant Dea’s Exploration of the Human Experience

Ant Dea, a Belgian artist born and raised in Heusden-Zolder, is known for creating artworks that evoke emotion and inspire reflection. Ant Dea's work...

How Leonardo da Vinci’s Lost ‘Salvator Mundi’ Sold for $80 Million

Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Salvator Mundi,’ a masterpiece that has captivated the art world for centuries, took a remarkable journey from obscurity to the limelight...