ABOVE & BELOW: Embracing Beauty in the Visionary Art of Ettore Albert


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In a world where efficiency often trumps beauty and growth overshadows aesthetics, Ettore Albert believes beauty isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity, a force capable of saving the world. With each stroke of his brush, Albert seeks to remind us of the transformative power of aesthetics, inviting us to envision a reality where freedom and joy reign supreme.

Albert’s artistic journey is steeped in the wisdom of Fyodor Dostoevsky, who once proclaimed that beauty will save the world. This belief permeates every aspect of Albert’s work, compelling him to challenge conventions and reimagine our priorities. Rather than adhering to the dictates of growth and efficiency, Albert advocates for a world where beauty takes precedence—a world where absolute freedom in creativity leads to unadulterated joy.

One of Albert’s works, “ABOVE & BELOW,” exemplifies his commitment to artistic freedom. Measuring 100 x 120 cm and created in 2019 with oil and acrylic on canvas, this piece showcases Albert’s defiance of traditional compositional norms. The absence of rules grants him absolute freedom, allowing him to explore pictorial space without constraints. Despite the seemingly disparate elements—a mix of Arabic inscriptions, house perimeters, and colored rectangles—the composition carries a profound sense of coherence. Albert’s abstractionism isn’t mere instinct; it’s a deliberate, carefully curated expression of his innermost thoughts and emotions.

When viewing Albert’s paintings, it’s akin to receiving a confession—an intimate, unfiltered glimpse into the artist’s soul. Each brushstroke is imbued with honesty and truth, inviting viewers to connect with their own innermost selves. In a world inundated with noise and chaos, Albert’s art serves as a sanctuary—a space where one can find solace in the simplicity and beauty of the human experience.

Through his unwavering commitment to beauty, Ettore Albert reminds us of the power of art to transcend boundaries and unite humanity. In a society often preoccupied with material gain and technological advancement, Albert’s message is a timely reminder of what truly matters. Beauty isn’t just a superficial adornment; it’s a fundamental aspect of our existence—a guiding light that can lead us towards a brighter, more harmonious future. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, let us heed the words of Ettore Albert and embrace the transformative power of beauty.


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