Our Poisonous Entitlement Society


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Forgive me, for I have sinned. 

I’ve grown up cherishing the ideals of the American Dream of hard work and self-reliance. I thought if I worked hard and relied largely on myself I was due a comfortable living. Was there some part of the dream I forgot about that included others? After all I’m generous and give 10% of my income to those slackers that don’t work as hard as I do. If the world fills with slackers is that my fault?  

Is it my responsibility that everyone wants the expensive apartments in the city? I don’t hate people that are different from me, but why don’t they then form their own gated communities? I don’t mind if they want to live nearby as long as they don’t inconvenience me. I’m no bigot. I pay for police to protect us all from fear. Others needn’t worry as long as they follow the law and don’t make us fearful. Is it so hard not to scare people?

I have good taste, always recycle and appreciate artesian water. By buying water from a pristine part of the country I’m supporting jobs for those locals. I’m sure their own drinking water is fine, and if not they have stores closeby. In fact I create jobs by employing thousands who simply don’t have my skills. It’s my taxes that pay for their schools and health care! Well, yes, I avoid taxes mostly, but that’s simply playing wisely by the rules. And yes, my lobbyists are successful, but I only support those policies that are popular. Obviously, because they always pass.

So of course I’m furious with those homeless that crowd my entrance! Where is the compassion of their families? Why don’t they take care of their own like I do? Sure my nephew is one, but there are institutions for his kind. I love him but if he wants to live on the street, hey that’s the true freedom of living in the US!

Frankly we’d all be happier if people would stop messing up the parks I pay so much to keep clean and private, what with their fires and noise and all those stinking corpses. Yes, forgive my optimism.

Oh, and please forgive them also, bless their little hearts. For they know not what they do!


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