Devin Devine: Crafting Harmony Between Stone and Spirit


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“It’s an exciting time to be alive,” declares Devin Devine, an artist in traditional stone masonry. Devin’s work invites viewers to find themselves in nature and nature within themselves. His journey in the world of stone masonry began in 1997 when he took his first muddy steps as a laborer on a job site.

In 2007, Devin founded his own business, marking a significant turning point in his artistic journey. His work emanates a whimsical essence, deeply infused with cosmic and spiritual undertones. This unique blend of formal craftsmanship and cosmic inspiration lays the groundwork for Devin’s distinct artistic style.

Devin’s public works include “Dry Stone Sphere the Fourth, at Brookside Gardens in Silver Spriong MD. In Tamaqua, PA, Stonehedge Gardens is adorned with Devin’s “Squiggly Noodle, Eyeball-Tentacle Entity,” a sculpture that showcases his ability to blend humor and
mysticism seamlessly. Meanwhile, the Matilda Pfieffer Museum in Piggot, Arkansas, boasts an elegant vase sculpture crafted by Devin, adding a touch of artistry to the museum’s surroundings.

‘Beyond the stone spheres, Devin extends his flowing style to walls, patios and stone paths, all embodying what he refers to as “Dynamic Order.” This style reflects a movement reminiscent of clouds or a school of fish, capturing the fluidity and interconnectedness found in nature.

A note from his journal may provide insight into his work:

“Step into a puddle of water and lift your foot back out. See the sediment swirl about.

What you are seeing is still a mirror. I know, before you stepped into the puddle, the water’s surface was actually reflecting and therefore more mirror-like, at that point then it is now. Perhaps you caught a glimpse of white clouds in the blue sky, maybe you saw your own face reflected–but now, the mud is all swirled up and spiraling about. So the mirror is gone? But no, this sight of the puddle with its sediments all sired up, it too is like a mirror–because it shows you what you are.

But also remember, that puddle too reflected the cloud above, before being disturbed by your toe. And now the swirls of sediment, how cloud-like this movement and form is. The puddle then still reflects both you, and the cloud.

This was an early fascination of mine, as a child. Did you not have puddles, as a child? Has the world lost a bit of wonder, since then? I suppose there’s less need to step in puddles anymore. Maybe there’s even an impulse to chastise the children, when they step in puddles. In their brand new shoes! This sphere too, is like a puddle of water. The puddle is vaguely round shaped–the sphere too, is not *perfectly round. Oh, the humble craftsman did try! And both have swirling, flowing lines, cloud-like movements. The sphere is like the puddle, but more 3 dimensional–and the water is gone. It’s like I just took a puddle, made it more 3-d, then removed all water while yet managing to capture a bit of the mineral flowing and crystalizing this into solid and stable form.

-excerpt from the journal of Devin Devine

In essence, Devin Devine’s artistry goes beyond the physical manifestation of stone sculptures; it is a reflection of the interconnectedness between humanity and the natural world. His commitment to sustainability, coupled with a playful yet profound approach, sets him apart in the realm of contemporary stone masonry. As we step into Devin’s world, we, too, find our reflections in the flowing stones, discovering the harmony between the tangible and the cosmic.’


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