GERMANO’s Brush with Nature: A Harmonious Artistic Journey


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At the age of 79, Antônio Carlos Germano Santos, known simply as GERMANO, has embarked on a remarkable artistic journey that defies both age and convention. Born with an innate love for art, painting, and photography, GERMANO’s passion simmered beneath the surface as life took him down the path of the financial market for half a century. However, retirement at the age of 70 marked a turning point, as he decided to finally pursue the artistic calling that had tugged at his heartstrings for decades.

Despite not having the opportunity to formally study art in depth during his youth, GERMANO’s life was far from devoid of artistic influences. He had the privilege of living and learning from great masters such as Di Cavalcante and Kasuo Wakabayashi. These encounters left an indelible mark on his soul, ensuring that his connection to the arts would endure throughout his life.

In an era where many might choose to relax and take it easy, GERMANO embarked on a creative endeavor that speaks volumes about the resilience of artistic passion. His Instagram account, germanoarte.pinturas2022, serves as a visual diary of his artistic evolution. The transition from the financial world to the world of brushes and canvases was not just a late-life whim; it was a deliberate decision to follow the calling that had been suppressed for far too long.

GERMANO’s work is a testament to the profound connection he feels with the natural world. One of his notable projects, “NUANCES DA NATURE,” captures the intricate struggle between nature and human engineering. In a photograph that resonates with powerful symbolism, GERMANO unveils the silent rebellion of trees against the constraints imposed by urban development. The image portrays the relentless battle waged by nature as roots break through pavements, seeking sustenance and freedom amidst the concrete jungle.

In GERMANO’s lens, the photograph transcends a mere depiction of flora; it becomes a poignant commentary on the indifference of passersby. People stroll by, casting glances, but few pause to recognize the profound statement being made by the artist. The trees, confined and yet resilient, serve as a metaphor for the overlooked beauty and struggle within the natural world.

GERMANO’s artistic vision encourages viewers to shift their perspective, urging them to look beyond the surface and acknowledge the intricate dance between nature and human progress. His spartan yet evocative style captivates, inviting contemplation on the symbiotic relationship between the urban landscape and the wild, untamed forces of the natural world.

As GERMANO’s work gains attention, it is clear that his late-life foray into the art world is not just a personal endeavor but a contribution to the collective consciousness. His photographs and paintings capture moments that demand introspection, urging viewers to appreciate the delicate balance disrupted by human intervention.

GERMANO’s artistic journey is a celebration of passion, resilience, and the timeless pursuit of creative expression. At 79, he stands as a testament to the fact that art knows no age, and the pursuit of one’s true calling can endure a lifetime. As viewers contemplate the powerful imagery captured by GERMANO, they are not just witnessing the work of an artist but becoming participants in a dialogue about the delicate dance between nature and human existence.


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